recruiting & consulting  


Creating awareness in recruitment is to understand the gaps you want to bridge.    

We stockpiled great quotes that you may enjoy reading below. However, these are unstructured as so many approaches to recruitment. When you talk to us,  we will not work with random quotes. We structure questions that will lead you to an awareness of a recruitment concept you will never want to miss again.  This is regardless of who you choose as your recruiter or agency. We would like to invite you to work with us to understand and experience that level of recruitment.       

Leadership requires two things: a vision of the world that does not yet exist 


the ability to communicate it. *

Vision communicator


Then go ahead and recruit people who are insanely good at what they do and share the vision. Those will not need to be managed.  




A team is not a group of people that work together. A team is a group of people that trust each other. *  

Dream Team

A leader bonds his team before sending it into the field: the leader protects his people against internal non-team oriented interests by etablishing trust, respect, fairness, appreciation, tolerance, attentiveness and emphaty. 


Start replacing job descriptions with performance objectives.   

The way a company conducts recruitment, interviews and assessments  mirror the company's sales approach. 


As a sales and hiring manager use your most successful sales techniques in recruitment so the candidate can feel the sales vibe of your organization. 

Compelling job description

Shackleton sifted into piles labelled "mad", "hopeless" and "possible" before selecting his 27-strong crew.

Performance alignment, psychological alignment, and the capacity for learning and change. 

World class

That is the characterization of highly performing highly committed (HCHP) companies according to a study by

Prof Michael Beer, Harvard University. 

"The best way to demotivate and lose top performers is to reward mediocrity in an attempt to maintain the status quo".

Jameson St.Claire 

Lose top performers

With the increasing challenges of today, why would a leader not reward the courage, the honesty or the resilience of an employee?

Profit isn't a purpose, it's a result. To have purpose means the things we do are of real value to others. *

Purpose is the value


Great companies don't offer us something to buy. Great companies offer us something to buy into. A purpose goes a much longer way than monetary compensation. 




When recruiting Millenials the organization is after the tech- savvy. And the tech-savvy is after organizations that understand what it means to take them on. 

Proof the believe

People will follow because they share the beliefs. And they do it for themselves.

"I know of no case study in history that describes an organization that has been managed out of a crisis. *

Getting out of a crisis



According to Simon Sinek, "every single one of them was led".  





Hiring Professional Management: they  know how to manage but did not know how to do anything. (Steve Jobs) 

How to do



Who are you aiming to recruit? A manager or a leader? A leader makes sure the people around him grow. 




You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation. 







* Simon Sinek

Dopamine inspires us to take actions by anticipating how we will feel after they’re met. 


It anticipates a reward to action and, if the reward is met, enables the behaviour to become a habit.

Dopamine is released in the orbital frontal cortex and can easily block logic.

Reward at random

When dopamine was used to create a behaviou that then becomes a habit, then random rewards is the secret to keep inspiration high. 

Dream Team   


When managers not leaders manage how do you ensure the new hires grow to their full potential?

* Simon Sinek

Individuals and communication are more important than processes. To be agile and flexible is more intelligent than following a fixed plan.


Cooperation with candidates is more important than negotiating contracts and budgets. Useful work is more effective than detailed documentation.


Where is the passion of the candidate? Passion can overrule experience as a criterion for hiring.  



The required skills and experiences determine if the candidate is admitted to the interview. Then motivation is the most important fit factor.  


* Simon Sinek

Start with Why 


These three pieces make us who we are: Clarity on WHY. Discipline on HOW. Consistency with WHAT.



HCHP highly performing highly committed companies understand to use the employee's energy and commitment for sustained advantage. 


High performance requires high commitment. Commitment stems from the culture the organization treasures. The performance derives from the right set of tools, systems and processes. Continuous improvement fine-tunes it. 

Latest news

the most recent info

December, 2017  by Christoph Oswald

Recruiting successfully without changing the organization.

December, 2017  by Christoph Oswald

Why is Talent Acquisition damned to be inefficient?

December, 2017  by Gnanasambandam


Why is Talent Acquisition damned to be inefficient?


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